品系货号:000651 | 通用名称:BALBc
又名:C, BALB, BALB/c
BALB/cJ 是常用的近交小鼠品系。其关键特征有,在感染 Theiler 氏鼠脑脊髓炎病毒后易发生脱髓鞘病。BALB/cJ亚系对李斯特菌、所有种属的利什曼原虫和数个种属的锥虫易感,但对实验性变态反应性睾丸炎 (experimental allergic orchitis, EAO) 具有抗性。

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众所周知,BALB/c 小鼠注射矿物油后产生浆细胞瘤,此为单克隆抗体产生的基础。尽管尚未检查所有 BALB/c 亚系的浆细胞瘤诱导情况,但是通过 Andervont (An) 谱系(包括 BALB/cByJ)获得的亚系通常易感,而通过 BALB/cJ 获得的亚系则具有抗性(请参见:Potter M, 1985)。在正常情况下,此品系的乳腺肿瘤发病率较低,但接种经 MMTV+ C3H 小鼠孵育的乳腺肿瘤病毒后,肿瘤数量显著增加,且发病周龄提前。BALB/c 小鼠在生命后期会出现其他癌症,包括网状肿瘤、原发性肺癌和肾肿瘤。在 BALB/cJ 和 BALB/cByJ 亚系中,均观察到由各种外分泌腺的肌上皮细胞引起的罕见自发性肌上皮瘤。研究发现,该品系易感染单核细胞增生李斯特菌,雌鼠感染后至死亡的中位时间为 3 天 (Cheers and McKenzie, 1978)。
White 等人报道了 4 个品系中硫乙醇酸盐培养基诱导的腹膜白细胞募集差异。总白细胞募集的反应由强到弱依次为:C57BL/6J > BALB/c > CD1 > 129X1/SvJ。研究还发现,在反应时间线和受影响最大的细胞类型方面也存在差异。
PLP180-199 免疫 BALB/c 小鼠出现非典型性实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎 (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, EAE),其易感性由感染位置决定。对于脊髓感染,有 60-70% 的小鼠出现病理性病变,而对于大脑和小脑感染,则全部 (100%) 小鼠均出现严重病变。 在部分 BALB/cJ 雌鼠中观察到背腹侧阴道膈,可能导致雌鼠无生育能力。(Cunliffe-Beamer T, Lab Anim Sci, 1976)
BALB/c 小鼠易患营养不良性心脏钙质沉着症(心脏组织矿化)。Steven Taffet 博士实验室的一项研究报告比较了杰克森实验室提供的 BALB/cByJ 和 BALB/cJ 小鼠,BALB/cByJ 小鼠(44/49;5 周龄时为 90%)表现出的钙质沉积发病率和严重程度高于 BALB/cJ(1/6;5 周龄时为 17%)或其他 BALB/c 亚系小鼠 [Glass et al. 2013 Comp Med 63: 29 (PMID:23561935)]。
此品系是 BALB(Bagg 白化小鼠)的亚系,最初的 BALB 品系由 MacDowell 在冷泉港饲养,最后送至德克萨斯州大学的 G.D. Snell。1932 年,Snell 将 F26 代小鼠带到杰克森实验室。1937-1939 年间,Snell 带来的 BALB/c 小鼠被分为三个分支谱系,即 Andervont (BALB/cAn)、Scott (BALB/cSc) 和 Green (BALB/cGn)。1941 年,BALB/cSc 谱系在 F41 代最终变为 BALB/cJ。
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Complete overview of protein-inactivating sequence variations in 36 sequenced mouse inbred strains.
Timmermans S , et al.
Development of a SNP genotyping panel for genetic monitoring of the laboratory mouse.
Petkov PM , et al.
Resistance and susceptibility of mice to bacterial infection: genetics of listeriosis.
Cheers C , et al.
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精选参考文献当使用该小鼠品系发表文献时,请引用原始文献,并在材料方法中提供该品系的品系货号:JAX stock#000651
2017Complete overview of protein-inactivating sequence variations in 36 sequenced mouse inbred strains.
Timmermans S , et al.
2004Development of a SNP genotyping panel for genetic monitoring of the laboratory mouse.
Petkov PM , et al.
1978Resistance and susceptibility of mice to bacterial infection: genetics of listeriosis.
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1971Mammary tumors, plaques, and hyperplastic alveolar nodules in various combinations of mouse inbred strains and the different lines of the mammary tumor virus.
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2013Spontaneous cardiac calcinosis in BALB/cByJ mice.
Glass AM , et al.
2009Comparison of allergic lung disease in three mouse strains after systemic or mucosal sensitization with ovalbumin antigen.
Zhu W , et al.
2008Low sociability is associated with reduced size of the corpus callosum in the BALB/cJ inbred mouse strain.
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2005Treatment of murine Th1- and Th2-mediated inflammatory bowel disease with NF-kappa B decoy oligonucleotides.
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2005The allergy adjuvant effect of particles - genetic factors influence antibody and cytokine responses.
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1990Atherosclerosis susceptibility differences among progenitors of recombinant inbred strains of mice.
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1989Deficiency of the corpus callosum: incomplete penetrance and substrain differentiation in BALB/c mice.
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1987Differential susceptibility to actively induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and experimental allergic orchitis among BALB/c substrains.
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1986Differences in susceptibility of inbred mice to Bacillus anthracis.
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1984Hippocampal lamination defect = Hld.
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1952COMMITTEE on Standardized Nomenclature for Inbred Strains of Mice
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Related Genotype: A/A
Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b Tyrc/Tyrc