品系货号:002020 | 通用名称:多发性肠道肿瘤小鼠
C57BL/6J-ApcMin/J 纯合小鼠不能存活。 此品系小鼠结直肠腺瘤发病率较高,因而适合用作结肠癌模型。少数 C57BL/6J-ApcMin 杂合雌鼠会出现乳腺肿瘤。

品系捐赠者 Alexandra Shedlovsky博士-威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校William Dove博士-威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校

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C57BL/6J-ApcMin/J 品系小鼠对自发性肠道腺瘤高度易感。纯合小鼠不能存活。根据最初的研究报告,饲喂高脂饲料的 C57BL/6J-ApcMin所有(100%)杂合小鼠在整个肠道中均出现超过 30 个腺瘤,大多数小鼠在 120 日龄前死亡。杂合小鼠还会出现贫血。(Moser et al., 1990, Su et al., 1992)。少数 C57BL/6J-ApcMin杂合雌鼠会出现乳腺肿瘤。后续报道表明,此品系可能携带显性突变 (Mom2) 基因,可减少 C57BL/6J-ApcMin杂合小鼠的息肉形成数量和发生率 (Silverman et al., 2002)。
此品系小鼠在运输时带有RapID耳标。 点击了解有关RapID耳标的更多信息。
对 C57BL/6J 首建鼠使用 N-乙基-N-亚硝基脲 (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, ENU) 处理以诱导突变后,经正向遗传筛选,鉴定出一只 AKR/JxB6 F1 雌鼠有转圈行为。使这只雌鼠与 C57BL/6J 雄鼠交配。此回交产生的后代小鼠中,有些出现了成年发病的贫血和多发性肠道肿瘤 (multiple intestinal neoplasia, Min)。研究发现,抑癌基因 Apc(adenomatosis polyposis coli, 结肠腺瘤样息肉蛋白)与Min表型共分离。Apc的突变在结直肠癌和家族性腺瘤性息肉病 (familial adenomatous polyposis, FAP) 中被鉴定发现。Apc测序鉴定出第2549位核苷酸从T变为A,该突变使得亮氨酸变为终止密码子。经确定,转圈行为是独立的遗传性状,可通过与C57BL/6J后续杂交来消除。这些 ApcMin 小鼠在 1992 年被送往杰克森实验室时,维持着 C57BL/6J 基因背景。
Multiple intestinal neoplasia caused by a mutation in the murine homolog of the APC gene [published erratum appears in Science 1992 May 22;256(5060):1114]
Su LK , et al.
A dominant mutation that predisposes to multiple intestinal neoplasia in the mouse.
Moser AR , et al.
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此品系通过将杂合雄鼠与 C57BL/6J 雌鼠交配来维持。不建议使用杂合雌鼠,因为贫血和肠道腺瘤会干扰妊娠。出现贫血和肿瘤后,杂合雄鼠的繁育性能也会随之下降。
近交系 X 杂合子: C57BL/6J x 杂合子
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1990A dominant mutation that predisposes to multiple intestinal neoplasia in the mouse.
Moser AR , et al.
1992Multiple intestinal neoplasia caused by a mutation in the murine homolog of the APC gene [published erratum appears in Science 1992 May 22;256(5060):1114]
Su LK , et al. -
2004Apc10.1: an ApcMin/+ intestinal cell line with retention of heterozygosity.
De Giovanni C , et al.
2004Activation of nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta accelerates intestinal adenoma growth.
Gupta RA , et al.
2004Prevention of gastrointestinal tumors based on adenomatous polyposis coli gene mutation by dendritic cell vaccine.
Iinuma T , et al.
2004Suppression of intestinal polyposis in Apcmin/+ mice by targeting the nitric oxide or poly(ADP-ribose) pathways.
Mabley JG , et al.
2004Adenomatous polyposis coli truncation mutations in 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)-induced intestinal tumours of multiple intestinal neoplasia mice.
Mollersen L , et al.
2004The anti-ischemia agent ranolazine promotes the development of intestinal tumors in APC(Min/+) mice.
Suckow MA , et al.
2004Dietary Soy Sphingolipids Suppress Tumorigenesis and Gene Expression in 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine-Treated CF1 Mice and Apc(Min/+) Mice.
Symolon H , et al.
2004Prostaglandin E(2) promotes colorectal adenoma growth via transactivation of the nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta.
Wang D , et al.
2004Dietary resveratrol does not affect intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice.
Ziegler CC , et al.
2003Effects of a glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitor, lithium, in adenomatous polyposis coli mutant mice.
Gould TD , et al.
2003Thrombospondin 1--a regulator of adenoma growth and carcinoma progression in the APC(Min/+) mouse model.
Gutierrez LS , et al.
2003Reduction in alkaline sphingomyelinase in colorectal tumorigenesis is not related to the APC gene mutation.
Hertervig E , et al.
2003Calorie restriction and diet composition modulate spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc(Min) mice through different mechanisms.
Mai V , et al.
2003Concomitant suppression of hyperlipidemia and intestinal polyp formation in Apc-deficient mice by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ligands.
Niho N , et al.
2003Impact of Dnmt1 deficiency, with and without low folate diets, on tumor numbers and DNA methylation in Min mice.
Oikarinen S , et al.
2003Transcriptional profiling of the transition from normal intestinal epithelia to adenomas and carcinomas in the APCMin/+ mouse.
Paoni NF , et al.
2003Exclusion of Madh2, Madh4, and Madh7 as candidates for the modifier of Min 2 ( Mom2) locus.
Silverman KA , et al.
2003Msh2 deficiency enhances somatic Apc and p53 mutations in Apc+/-Msh2-/- mice.
Sohn KJ , et al.
2003Thrombospondin 1--a regulator of adenoma growth and carcinoma progression in the APC(Min/+) mouse model.
Trasler J , et al.
2003Cooperative effects of matrix metalloproteinase and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition on intestinal adenoma reduction.
Wagenaar-Miller RA , et al.
2003Suppression of intestinal polyposis in Mdr1-deficient ApcMin/+ mice.
Yamada T , et al.
2003Regional response leading to tumorigenesis after sulindac in small and large intestine of mice with Apc mutations.
Yang K , et al.
2002One dose of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) or 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) induces tumours in Min/+ mice by truncation mutations or LOH in the Apc gene.
Andreassen A , et al.
2002Selenium-enriched broccoli decreases intestinal tumorigenesis in multiple intestinal neoplasia mice.
Davis CD , et al.
2002Selenium-enriched broccoli decreases intestinal tumorigenesis in multiple intestinal neoplasia mice.
Davis CD , et al.
2002Absence of Post-translational Aspartyl beta -Hydroxylation of Epidermal Growth Factor Domains in Mice Leads to Developmental Defects and an Increased Incidence of Intestinal Neoplasia.
Dinchuk JE , et al.
2002Genetic and molecular control of folate-homocysteine metabolism in mutant mice.
Ernest S , et al.
2002Vaccine-based therapy directed against carcinoembryonic antigen demonstrates antitumor activity on spontaneous intestinal tumors in the absence of autoimmunity.
Greiner JW , et al.
2002Prostaglandin E(2) protects intestinal tumors from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced regression in Apc(Min/+) mice.
Hansen-Petrik MB , et al.
20021alpha,25-(OH)(2)-D(3) and its synthetic analogue decrease tumor load in the Apc(min) Mouse.
Huerta S , et al.
2002Arachidonic and linoleic acid metabolism in mouse intestinal tissue: evidence for novel lipoxygenase activity.
Kawajiri H , et al.
2002Reduction of Intestinal Neoplasia With Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Gene Replacement and COX-2 Inhibition Is Additive.
Lew JI , et al.
2002Reduction of Intestinal Neoplasia With Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Gene Replacement and COX-2 Inhibition Is Additive.
Lew JI , et al.
2002Negative feedback loop of Wnt signaling through upregulation of conductin/axin2 in colorectal and liver tumors.
Lustig B , et al.
2002Detection of dysplastic intestinal adenomas using enzyme-sensing molecular beacons in mice.
Marten K , et al.
2002Chemopreventive efficacy and pharmacokinetics of curcumin in the min/+ mouse, a model of familial adenomatous polyposis.
Perkins S , et al.
2002Therapeutic utility of aspirin in the ApcMin/+ murine model of colon carcinogenesis.
Reuter BK , et al.
2002Studies of methionine cycle intermediates (SAM, SAH), DNA methylation and the impact of folate deficiency on tumor numbers in Min mice.
Sibani S , et al.
2002Enhanced colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane in min mice occurs via a mechanism independent of beta-catenin mutation.
Suzui M , et al.
2002Response to 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy is modified by dietary folic acid deficiency in Apc(Min/+) mice.
Tucker J , et al.
2002Absence of the CD44 gene prevents sarcoma metastasis.
Weber GF , et al.
2002Microadenomatous lesions involving loss of apc heterozygosity in the colon of adult apc(min/+) mice.
Yamada Y , et al.
2001Intestinal tumours induced by the food carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo.
Andreassen A , et al.
2001Haptoglobin, inflammation, and tumorigenesis in the MIN mouse.
Barbour K W , et al.
2001Mammary tumor induction and premature ovarian failure in ApcMin mice are not enhanced by Brca2 deficiency.
Bennett LM , et al.
2001Qualitative and Quantitative Relationship between Dysplastic Aberrant Crypt Foci and Tumorigenesis in the Min/+ Mouse Colon.
Erik Paulsen J , et al.
2001Deletion of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) suppresses Apc(Min)-induced tumorigenesis.
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2001Suppression of intestinal polyps in msh2-deficient and non-msh2-deficient multiple intestinal neoplasia mice by a specific cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor and by a dual cyclooxygenase-1/2 inhibitor.
Lal G , et al.
2001Growth stimulation of intestinal tumours in Apc(Min/+) mice by dietary L-methionine supplementation.
Paulsen JE , et al.
2001Chemoprevention of intestinal tumorigenesis by nabumetone: induction of apoptosis and Bcl-2 downregulation.
Roy HK , et al.
2001Modulation of intracellular beta-catenin localization and intestinal tumorigenesis in vivo and in vitro by sphingolipids.
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2001Intestinal tumorigenesis in multiple intestinal neoplasia mice induced by the food mutagen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine: perinatal susceptibility, regional variation, and correlation with DNA adducts.
Steffensen IL , et al.
2001Combination cancer chemoprevention with green tea extract and sulindac shown in intestinal tumor formation in Min mice.
Suganuma M , et al.
2001(+)-Catechin inhibits intestinal tumor formation and suppresses focal adhesion kinase activation in the min/+ mouse.
Weyant MJ , et al.
2001Reciprocal expression of ERalpha and ERbeta is associated with estrogen-mediated modulation of intestinal tumorigenesis.
Weyant MJ , et al.
2001Differential dietary effects on colonic and small bowel neoplasia in C57BL/6J Apc Min/+ mice.
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2000Beef induces and rye bran prevents the formation of intestinal polyps in Apc(Min) mice: relation to beta-catenin and PKC isozymes.
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2000Chemopreventive activity of hydroksymatairesinol in adenomatous polyposis colimultiple intestinal neoplasia (Apc)(Min) mice
Oikannen SI , et al.
2000Identification and quantification of aberrant crypt foci in the colon of Min mice--a murine model of familial adenomatous polyposis
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2000Chemoprevention of familial adenomatous polyposis development in the APC(min) mouse model by 1,4-phenylene bis(methylene)selenocyanate.
Rao CV , et al.
2000Uroguanylin treatment suppresses polyp formation in the Apc(Min/+) mouse and induces apoptosis in human colon adenocarcinoma cells via cyclic GMP.
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2000Effects of dietary folate on intestinal tumorigenesis in the apcMin mouse
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