品系货号:001303 | 通用名称:NOD scid
此品系为严重联合免疫缺陷自发突变 Prkdcscid 纯合小鼠,通常称为 scid 小鼠,表现为功能性 T 细胞和 B 细胞缺失、淋巴细胞减少症、低丙种球蛋白血症,但造血微环境正常。Prkdcscid 小鼠可以接受同种异体和异种异体移植物,因此是细胞转移实验的理想模型。总体而言,NOD/ShiLtSz 遗传背景下的 Prkdcscid渗漏表达较低。
此品系为严重联合免疫缺陷自发突变 Prkdcscid 纯合小鼠,通常称为 scid 小鼠,表现为功能性 T 细胞和 B 细胞缺失、淋巴细胞减少症、低丙种球蛋白血症,但造血微环境正常。抗原呈递细胞、髓系细胞和 NK 细胞的正常功能具有品系依赖性。scid 小鼠携带 DNA 修复缺陷和编码淋巴细胞中抗原特异性受体的基因重排缺陷。大多数纯合子未检出 IgM、IgG1、IgG2a、IgG2b、IgG3 或 IgA。胸腺、淋巴结和脾脏滤泡中几乎没有淋巴细胞。scid 小鼠可以接受同种异体和异种异体移植物,因此是细胞转移实验的理想模型。
有些 scid 小鼠会自发出现局部免疫反应。血清 Ig 水平高于 1 ug/ml 的 scid 小鼠被视为“渗漏表达”。scid渗漏具有高度品系依赖性、随周龄增加,在非 SPF 条件下笼养的小鼠中比例更高。总体而言,scid 渗漏率在 C57BL/6J 和 BALB/cBy 遗传背景中较高,在 C3H/HeJ 背景中较低,在 NOD/ShiLtSz 背景中更低。NOD/ShiLtSz-Prkdcscid 小鼠终生不患胰岛炎和糖尿病,可作为NOD/ShiLtJ 小鼠(品系货号 001976)的无糖尿病对照。不过,其胸腺淋巴瘤发病率较高,在无特定病原条件下(SPF),寿命通常仅限于 8.5 月龄。NOD.CB17-Prkdcscid/J 小鼠除可用作异体移植的理想宿主外,还有可用于研究 T 细胞亚群在自身免疫性糖尿病中的作用,同时也可作为无胰岛炎胰岛细胞的来源。
Prkdcscid 突变是在宾夕法尼亚州费城癌症研究所饲养的 BALB/c-Ighb (CB-17) 小鼠种群中自发产生的突变。将 Prkdcscid 突变按照如下描述回交至 NOD/ShiLtSz 背景中:使 NOD/ShiLtSz 雌鼠与 C.B-17-Prkdcscid 雄鼠交配;使 F1/N1 和随后数代 Prkdcscid/+ 雄鼠后代与 NOD/ShiLtSz 雌鼠交配,总共与 NOD/ShiLtSz 回交 10 代;在 N10 代时,通过兄弟姊妹近亲交配得到 Prkdcscid 纯合小鼠。
如果研究中使用了NOD scid小鼠品系,请在发表文章时请引用原始文献并在材料和方法部分提及JAX品系号001303。
Xenotransplantation of human lymphoid malignancies is optimized in mice with multiple immunologic defects.
Hudson WA , et al.
Identification of a nonsense mutation in the carboxyl-terminal region of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit in the scid mouse.
Blunt T , et al.
Defective DNA-dependent protein kinase activity is linked to V(D)J recombination and DNA repair defects associated with the murine scid mutation.
Blunt T , et al.
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NOD scid

精选参考文献如果研究中使用了NOD scid小鼠品系,请在发表文章时请引用原始文献并在材料和方法部分提及JAX品系号001303。
1998Xenotransplantation of human lymphoid malignancies is optimized in mice with multiple immunologic defects.
Hudson WA , et al.
1996Identification of a nonsense mutation in the carboxyl-terminal region of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit in the scid mouse.
Blunt T , et al.
1995Defective DNA-dependent protein kinase activity is linked to V(D)J recombination and DNA repair defects associated with the murine scid mutation.
Blunt T , et al.
1995Emv30null NOD-scid mice. An improved host for adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes and growth of human lymphohematopoietic cells.
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1995Multiple defects in innate and adaptive immunologic function in NOD/LtSz-scid mice.
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1993Adoptive transfer of diabetes into immunodeficient NOD-scid/scid mice. Relative contributions of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells from diabetic versus prediabetic NOD.NON-Thy-1a donors.
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2004T-cell receptor transgenic response to an endogenous polymorphic autoantigen determines susceptibility to diabetes.
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2003Non-obese diabetic mice rapidly develop dramatic sympathetic neuritic dystrophy: a new experimental model of diabetic autonomic neuropathy.
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2002Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression in transplanted NOD Islets prolongs graft survival after adoptive transfer of diabetogenic splenocytes.
Alexander AM , et al.
2002Susceptibility to lymphoid neoplasia in immunodeficient strains of nonobese diabetic mice.
Chiu PP , et al.
2002Congenic mapping of the diabetogenic locus Idd4 to a 5.2-cM region of chromosome 11 in NOD mice: identification of two potential candidate subloci.
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2002Elimination of maternally transmitted autoantibodies prevents diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice.
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2002Regulation of diabetes development by regulatory T cells in pancreatic islet antigen-specific TCR transgenic nonobese diabetic mice.
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